Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mango Madness!!

We LOVE mangoes!! Hubby and I can eat mangoes all day, everyday!  Unfortunately, fresh mangoes are only available during the summer to early fall season.  To ensure that we have good mangoes to eat all year long, we store them up like good little ants during the summer season, so we can have fresh mangoes for smoothie, pies, or cakes during the rest of the year.

Last year at this time, we bought multiple bushels of mangoes from our farmer friend at Merritt Island, and we stored them.

We almost ran out of freezer space, and even thought of buying a freezer chest just to store them, but we didn't.  We just put them in ziplocks and squeezed them in!

Today, a whole year later, we finished out last bag of frozen mango!!  We made a delicious & healthy mango smoothie out of it.  Still tasted as good as the fresh ones from last year.  

Here, we put a bag of mango with some soymilk (I'm lactose intolerant)...
and blend blend blend...

yummm.... look at those bubbles...
I like to add a little bit of probiotics in my smoothie to make it extra healthy!
Time to pour all the deliciousness out!!
Not wasting even a drop...