Friday, July 20, 2012

Regrowth Revisited & Scallion Pancakes!

A little over a week ago, I tried (for the first time) to grow my own green onion / scallion.  I wanted to do an experiment to see which environment would be best for my scallion.  I put some roots in just plain water & a jar, and the rest in a clay pot with Miracle Growth that hubby bought from Home Depot.

To my amazement, the ones in water are doing SO MUCH better!
Picture above: This was a little bit over a week ago.  And now...

Isn't that amazing??  I hardly did anything to care for them.  Reminds me of Matthew 6:28-30 where Jesus said, "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, ...But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you..."  It's so true!  I didn't do anything to cause the growth, but to just throw the roots in water.  Look how they grew!!

Now, let's take a look at the ones in SOIL.  It's quite ironic...
They definitely did not grow as tall or as quickly as the ones in water.  Now, let's see them together...
The ones in water are clearly doing better.  I started several other little jars.  So excited this experiment worked!!

You may be wondering, what should I do with all that scallion even if it really is that easy to grow? Let me show you an easy scallion pancake recipe!!


Scallion pancake is a very common Chinese dish that can be eaten for any meal.  Some are doughy and some are flaky.  I usually prefer the flaky type, but those are typically very unhealthy because they are deep fried.

My mini scallion pancakes are actually made from dumpling wrappers.  I was making dumplings the other day, but didn't end up using all the wrappers that came in the package.  Throwing them away felt too wasteful to me, and it was too hot to throw them into a soup.  So, instead, I made them into scallion pancakes!

Step #1: You will need two dumpling wrappers for each scallion pancake.  So, make sure you have enough wrappers.  I happened to have 8 left. :) Yay!

Step #2: Chop up some green onion / scallion.

Step #3: (optional) You can put the scallion between the dumpling wrappers first.

Step #4 (optional) Then use a rolling pin to flatten and expand the sealed wrappers.

Step #5: If you are lazy and short on time, you can skip steps 3 and 4 and go straight here.  Heat up your pan and oil.  The interesting caveat about Chinese cooking is that there is no recipe.  Real good Chinese chefs don't use recipes, or so I was told.  Therefore, I am not really sure how much oil you should use.  I kind of just drizzled it in the pan. :)

Step #6: If you want to skip steps #3 and #4, then just put down the wrappers one at a time without the scallion.

The problem I found was that I had to work quickly before the sides started curling up.  

Step #7: Add in some eggs and scallions on top of the wrappers that are in the pan.

Step #8: Then seal the egg & scallion by putting another wrapper on.  I forgot to take a picture; still not very good at cooking while taking pictures.  Basically you want to drizzle the egg on and scatter the scallion before adding the top wrapper.

Step #9: And... ta da!! Here it is!

And now you can grow your own scallion & make scallion pancakes with leftover dumpling wrappers. :)

Next Post: CAKE POPS!!


  1. thanks for the green onion pancake idea! i will definitely give that a try. by the way, have you noticed any weird smell with growing the green onion in water? i've tried that before but found that it smelled...

    by the way, this is linda tsai (back from SM) ;)

  2. Hi Lynda!!! So nice to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog. I just went home to check my green onions to see if they smell. They don't! :) I used pretty fresh green onions when I planted them. Were yours old? Even though I can't smell anything from my green onion, I bet they have some kind of scent, because bugs hate them. :) All my green onions are really tall now, all over a foot! 100% organic :) Keep trying. Good luck!
